What is Neuroma Resection?
Neuroma resection is a surgical procedure aimed at addressing the compression of the interdigital nerves between the metatarsal heads and intermetatarsal ligament, which can lead to nerve inflammation, commonly known as neuroma. This condition often causes pain and discomfort in the foot, affecting balance and stability during various physical activities such as standing and walking.
Anatomy of the Foot
The foot and ankle are intricate structures, consisting of 26 bones, 33 joints, and various soft tissues, including cartilage, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and bursae. These components work collaboratively to provide essential functions such as movement, stability, and balance to the body.
Causes of Neuroma
Neuroma formation can be attributed to various factors, including overuse, restrictive shoewear, weight gain, or direct trauma. While overuse and ill-fitting footwear are common contributors, sometimes no specific cause can be identified. Interdigital neuromas, more frequently found in the third webspace, can also affect the second webspace.
Diagnosis of Neuroma
The diagnosis of neuroma involves a combination of clinical evaluation, medical history assessment, and, in some cases, imaging studies.
Neuroma Resection Procedure
Relief is typically found with rest and the removal of shoes. Conservative treatment options, such as orthotics, shoe modifications, and occasionally medication, are often explored initially. When conservative measures fail to provide relief, surgical intervention may be considered.
In a neuroma resection, the affected nerve branch causing the problem is identified. The Orthopedic Experts at South Bend Orthopedic will cut the nerve branch above the injury site. Subsequently, measures are taken with the nerve ending to prevent the recurrence of the issue that led the patient to seek treatment. Various techniques are employed to minimize the chances of a painful neuroma.